Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Devil costume makeup

I volunteered to play a she-devil for my department's St Nicholas Day's party. (Allegedly St Nicholas comes to children while they sleep accompanied by an angel and a devil and leaves them treats if they behaved well in that particular year. We were doing this as a goof for the first year students.)

I only have group photos where my costume is visible but it featured a very cheap red wig and a horned headband :) 
Makeup-wise I went for heavy red facial contouring, some painted-on undereye circles, a few inconspicuous pairs of facial horns and a gradient lip. I never ever wear red lipstick as I feel it should match an article of clothing and I have no red clothes (except this one blouse) becase that would clash with my hair.. oh well.

While I felt quite extravagant and out-there creating this look, most people didn't even realize I was in costume from afar ;)

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